Water Tower Garden
The Water Tower Garden is located on the north side of Rogers near Hassan Elementary. This garden features fourteen plots. All plots are 14 x 14 feet. There are six off street parking spots available. Water access is on site.
Lions Central Park Garden
The Lions Central Park Garden is located on the south side of Rogers in the South East corner of the former Triangle Park. This garden features 12 raised bed plots. All plots are 6 x 12 feet. There are six parking spots available, as well as street parking. Water access is on site.
2024 Garden Schedule
March-May City of Rogers Parks and Recreation prepare garden plots.
March 1 Early Registration: Applications will be accepted for returning gardeners. Plots will be assigned by 2023 assignment, then on a first-come-first-served basis, according to availability. Only one plot will be assigned to each applicant at this time.
April 1 Open Registration: Registration is open to all Rogers residents. Garden plots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, according to demand and availability. Only one plot will be assigned to each applicant at this time.
April 23 All Community Garden Applications are due. See the Application for contact information.
April 24 Plots are assigned. You will receive an email (or phone call) indicating where your garden plot is located.
April 24 City of Rogers Parks and Recreation determine the official opening day of gardens. Gardeners notified.
April 24 Plots that have not been assigned by May 3 are now open to current gardeners. If you have indicated you are interested in more than one plot on your registration, you will be considered for an additional plot.
May 1 Anticipated opening day of garden(s).
May-Sept. City of Rogers Parks and Recreation monitor use of gardens to ensure gardeners are following Guidelines.
Oct. 31 Anticipated closing day of garden(s). Please remove all items from gardens including plant remains.
General Guidelines
Garden Assignments:
All applicants must adhere to assignments and schedule as set by the City of Rogers. Please see the garden schedule below. Assignments are given on a first-come, first-served basis based on demand and availability.
Garden Cancellations:
If you decide not to use your garden plot, please immediately contact Havana Hanson at hhanson@rogersmn.gov or 763-428-0975. If your garden plot is reassigned, your fee will be refunded.
Garden News and Information:
E-mail is the preferred method of communication for all-important garden information (deadlines, events, etc.) from the City of Rogers. Information will also be available at the Rogers Farmers Market.
Garden Opening:
The anticipated opening date for both gardens is May 1, 2023. This may vary so that all gardeners will be notified of the official opening by April 26. While you may survey your assigned plot, you may not garden until opening day.
Garden Closing:
The anticipated closing date for both gardens is October 9, 2023. Gardeners will be notified of the official closing date by October 2. All materials will need to be removed by this date. Items not claimed by this date will become the property of the City of Rogers. Leaving things in the garden, including plant materials, may disqualify you from having gardens in the future.
Water supply will be provided by the City of Rogers. Water spigots and hoses will be available at Lions Central Park Garden and the Water Tower Garden by May 10 unless we have freezing temperatures. Note that for pipe maintenance, Public Works will have to shut off water before closing date if overnight temps are consistently below freezing.
The City of Rogers will provide waste and compost receptacles. Please do your part to keep the community garden clean. Respect your garden community by using the containers appropriately. Place TRASH ONLY in the trash container. Compostable materials, including weeds that originate at the gardens, should be placed in the compost receptacle. If garbage/compost bins are full and not getting emptied please let Havana know.
Safety and Courtesy:
Each gardener is asked to be respectful of other gardens and gardeners. This means that your garden is to stay in your garden plot. Do not allow vine crops to extend beyond the boundaries of your plot. Please keep all public pathways clean—return hoses and other garden tools or supplies in a uniform manner. Children must be supervised. Pets are not allowed. Be respectful of the growing practices of your neighbors.
Traps and poisons are not allowed. Because rodents and other animals may be prevalent in the nearby natural areas, it will be the responsibility of the individual gardener to control these pests within their own garden space. Non-permanent fencing is allowed, but may not cross garden pathways.
Organic V. Non-Organic Practices:
Each gardener is allowed their own growing practices; please respect your neighbor’s choice. Weeding should be done weekly so that weeds are not allowed to reseed.
Garden Neglect and Weed Control:
Each gardener is responsible for the weeding and maintenance of their plot(s). If a garden has not been planted by June 10 and the gardener has not made previous provisions with the City of Rogers, those plots will be reassigned. Gardeners not performing necessary maintenance will be notified to rectify the situation within two weeks. Further non-compliance will result in the garden being mowed. The offending gardener will lose gardening privileges for the following year but may return after their one-year absence.
City Inspections:
The City of Rogers holds all rights to inspect gardens for compliance with Community Garden Guidelines and to take appropriate action to rectify the situation.
2024 gardens are full, please check back spring 2025. Thank you!